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Perhaps best known “Jay”, the foul-mouthed foil to hetero-lifemate “Silent Bob” in Kevin Smith’s View Askewnivere, Jason Mewes has blossomed into a full-blown pop culture icon since his debut in 1994’s CLERKS! Mewes would reprise his role as the celebrated character five more times on the big screen from 1995 to 2006, in films including MALLRATS, CHASING AMY, DOGMA, ZACK AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO, and JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK. His character would become a sort of James Bond of the mid-90’s low budget film – a fast talking, foul-mouthed, over-sexed, but ultimately harmless and likeable guy. For his successful and brow- raising portrayal, MTV honored him with 2007’s Dirtiest Mouth Award. Jay made his directorial debut on a film titled MADNESS IN THE METHOD, which was released in select theaters, on demand and digitally in August 2019. The film follows a fictionalized version of Mewes as he tries to change Hollywood’s perception of him. Upon advice from best friend Kevin Smith, Mewes tracks down a secret method acting book to reinvent himself as a serious actor – with disastrous consequences! The film has a star-studded cast, including Danny Trejo, Terri Hatcher, and Stan Lee, making his final screen appearance. The film is dedicated in his memory. The duo has also built a cult following with their insanely popular, award-winning podcast, Jay & Silent Bob Get Old. For over eight years, in what’s been described as “Lake Wobegon days with anal jokes,” Jay has told the story of his tumultuous life. To date, the podcast has completed over 235 episodes and has been named one of the best on iTunes. Outside of his work with Smith, Mewes has starred in the Wunderkind Pictures feature, NOOBZ, an indie “gamers” film about four friends and Gears of Wars players who embark on a quest to survive a road trip and win a Gamecon Championship. Mewes also appeared in the film, ROCK JOCKS, about a group of dysfunctional government employees who find themselves responsible for shooting down an asteroid on track for the Earth. In 2010, he appeared in the mobster comedy, THE LAST GODFATHER, alongside Harvey Keitel Most recently, he has guest starred on several television series including The Flash, Supergirl, Hawaii 5-0 and Z Nation. Today, fans and gamers alike can keep up with Mewes’ daily musings while he streams his virtual video game escapades via Twitch! If you frequent the world of Fortnite, you may even get the chance to play with Jay himself. 2022 also provided the opportunity to see Mewes return to the big screen as he makes his triumphant return to the role of Jay in Kevin Smith’s CLERKS III.